Profitable Progression Guide

I can understand, that you have big dreams. All of us do. So I've put together this little gradient scale to show you the fastest, most efficient ways to grind through the different stages of the game so you could reach that dream ship as fast as possible. Ideally, this is done in the most profitable way over the least amount of time spent in game.

Warning: Don't let your rushing ruin your fun! If you want to experience the game as it's supposed to be experienced, just leave this page and do what you feel you want to do!

If you're impatient though, this is how you can climb that ladder safe and fast.

Level 1 (1 000 to 10 000 cr)

At the start of the game, you begin with a Sidewinder, which is the most basic spacecraft in the game. Since you have very little funds at this stage, the best you can do is to find the least dangerous, yet most rewarding way to gain some more credits. It pays off better to keep playing pacifist at this stage.

The ideal path to start with is exploration (check the guide here), where you just roam around the unexplored space and scan each system you visit. The two essential things you have to carry in your outfit is the stock basic discovery scanner, and a fuel scoop. For now, you can expect a minimum income in the range of 2000-5000 cr per system, once you turn your cartographic data in at a station.

The next best thing you can do is in-system trading, ideally between two nearby stations that have a healthy supply-demand relationship, to keep risks and fuel expenses to a minimum. Use EDDB or INARA to locate the best trade routes for your ship's, and wallet's capabilities.

Level 2 (10 000 to 100 000 cr)

You're over 10 000 cr. Congratulations! I would still recommend a peaceful approach to the game at this point, since I think you have to be able to afford failures in combat, so instead of becoming a way to lose money, you should be able to learn gaining it.

You can continue exploring, or you can invest into maximizing cargo capacity and get into trading. Lose your weapons, and any remaining unneeded weight you might have, but keep the shields. Once again, I advise you to use either EDDB or INARA to get the best trade route from your location. You can also get yourself acquainted with the bulletin board. Look for trading missions, and accept one at the time (more if they're targeting the same destination system). You can try smuggling missions if you have the inclination to do so, I however advise against it due to the preference of lawful conduct of this guide.

Always set some money aside for the ship insurance, but other than that, you can spend the rest on the highest amount of the most profitable commodity you can get your hands on. Then, stay alive, unload, and repeat. Tip for you: Check the bulletin board at your target. They will occasionally offer some extra on the side for some of the most wanted commodities.

Level 3 (100 000 to 1 000 000 cr)

You've made some more money. Good job Commander. You should now think about shifting your focus to the wondrous and prosperous world of rare trading, which involves the bright yellow coloured commodities that can be found in some systems.

Once you're able to buy a Hauler, you can transport up to 16-18 tonnes of cargo, which should be enough to make about 200-250 000 credits of profit per trip from the LAVE cluster to the FUJIN cluster (Rare Trading Route Visual Guide) depending on your luck.

What you do now, is you follow the chart provided and buy up all available rare commodities in the closest cluster of systems that offer these, and bring them over to the destination systems. You will sell your wares there, and purchase all available rare goods once more, only to head back to your starting cluster.

Later on, when you can afford a bigger ship, with a bigger cargo space, like the Cobra Mk III, you can ramp up your profits in one run from point A to point B to about 7-800 000 credits, even more if you're lucky.

Level 4 (1 000 000 to 10 000 000 cr)

Now things are beginning to become more fun. You now have the opportunity to either aim for the more peaceful and serene mining expeditions or invest into a Vulture and bite a piece off of bounty hunting.

If you choose mining, you can check out this mining guide to set you right up. Your first task is finding a good system that has a metallic ring around at least one planet, that has pristine reserves AND a station where you can sell your refined cargo. I would recommend Yan Musu in Aisling Duval / Empire space. Planet 8, ring A (the bright, small ring, closest to the gas giant) has what you're looking for.

If you're operating a Type-6 transporter ship outfitted like this one you can get around 1.4 million in one run easily. If all goes well, you'll be over 10 million in an afternoon's worth of work.

If you're ready to get your hands dirty, use the combat guide instead. You may still need to dig some ore to get into that Vulture and make some real money (generally 100-200 000 cr / ship destroyed under the right conditions), you can start out with a Cobra or a Viper though and still claim some decent figures. But remember, stay calm, and follow the guide. If you do that, you'll be a PvE God.

If you can get your hands on an ASP Explorer, you may also try getting back into the exploration game if you're feeling up for it. You will have to be prepared to spend a good amount of time, and travel really deep into the unknown for any real profit, but if you like to spend time looking around, it can still become an extremely lucrative endeavour. You can score millions and get a very decent reputation boost with your preferred faction at the same time by just 2-3 days worth of exploring. Remember to follow this little infographic to conserve some time.

Level 5 (10 000 000 to 100 000 000 cr)
(Under Construction)


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